Say ‘No’ to Summer stress

This is one ‘No’ that doesn’t need justifying!

Do you remember the days when you looked forward to summer? Six weeks holiday, beach breaks, lay-ins, BBQ’s and not to mention burning in the sun because ‘we just aren’t used to this kind of weather.’ Those childhood days may seem a million miles away from your office desk right now but here are ways to hike up your productivity and renew your love for summer again.

Plan your play!

You’ve heard the quote ‘work hard, play harder.’ It sounds desirable but with a busy schedule, it may seem impossible to have the time out that you need.

Arrange a date to ‘get away’ which doesn’t interfere with upcoming events. You don’t want to leave in the middle of a big project and then spend your hard-earned holiday stressing about it!

Get organised before you go!

Now, it’s a week before you’re due to finally get quality time out of the office. You know that but does your boss remember? Reminding your boss more than once about your holiday may feel like you’re a broken record, but bosses are busy and might need to be reminded in order to put things into place for the time that you are away.

You’re never really on holiday with a smartphone! Force of habit finds us checking our phones and let’s face it, it’s impossible to check just one email as before you know it, hours have passed!

Relax! Limit your contact and avoid spending your holiday working! Tell your colleagues when you’re going away so that they can deal with enquiries on your behalf.

Back to work

So, your holiday may be over but that doesn’t mean summer is over just yet. The office will be the same as when you left; hot!

Studies prove that movement reduces stress and increases concentration.

Be kind to yourself in the first week back. Make sure to take our lunch breaks, and if possible, take them outside.  Remember to leave work at a reasonable time so you don’t lose the benefit of your holiday during your first week back!

Clearing your mind during work hours will keep you proactive. You don’t have to sit cross-legged on the office floor or listen to chants, just simply moving away from your computer screen will help you stay mentally fresh!

Prioritise and set goals. Decide on a few things you want to achieve before the week is out so you finish feeling positive and have a sense of achievement.

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