Social Media Tips

Social media is like a great big party that everyone is invited to. It’s a simplistic but highly effective way to meet new people, share your ideas and build relationships both with your current customers and attract new ones. But like a party people will leave too early or ‘loose interest’ if they are not entertained. So, here are a few tips on how to please your crowd and get them on your side!

Keep it simple – Avoid Rambling!

People don’t want to sit and read pages and pages on every aspect of your work.  You may find it fascinating but other people would rather a few interesting sentences they can engage with rather than your life story! In order to gain comments, likes, retweets and of course increase your number of followers the key is to befriend your audience. Yes it is as simple as it sounds.  Get them involved by asking questions and inviting them to comment and give their opinions. We all like to voice our opinions right? Remember the key is in the name it’s a social site and nobody likes a one sided conversation!

Variety – We all like to shake things up once in a while.

Post a mixture of videos, posts, pictures, promotions, contests, polls and keep things lively and interactive!

Strategically keep up with the trends – Yes, businesses should be hash tagging!

If you want your content seen by a broader audience this is the way! Use relevant hash tags to attract new views on your page; it’s pretty easy to do when there’s a hash tag for almost everything! You can even create a hash tag for yourself.  Use your company name or a short snappy phrase and tell your followers to use it when entering contests or voicing their opinions. Also post within your ‘sector’ keep commentating to your audience about the current affairs of the trade and new innovate projects within your industry.

Are you sitting in the corner whilst everyone’s dancing? It’s time to get up and get involved in the social media party!

As the New Year is approaching this would be the perfect New Year’s resolution for your business! No excuses, you’ve got the tips from us here at the Resource Centre now it’s time to put them to practice before you know it you may be trending online!

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